Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Love Dogs More Than Humans: Part I

Okay, I love dogs more than most humans.  I won't bother to go into an explanation for people who believe that this statement is ludicrous (at least not right now).

What's up with the couples who have a baby and ditch their dog?  A nice high school classmate of mine started a Facebook group for our class, and one of the other classmates shared her blog.  Unfortunately, I came across a post she wrote listing the top reasons she wants to give away her dogs.  Apparently, she claims that she used to be a dog person, before her children entered the picture.  She supports this by discussing past experiences with a doggy daycare, trainers, whatever.  Now, they're a great inconvenience in her life, and she complains about stupid things, such as the reality that dog owners like herself have to remove poop that's stuck near their dogs' behinds.  Big freaking deal!

You're going to abandon your dogs, because it's annoying that your kids give you a play-by-play of their actions and the occasional poop on their fur?  Wow, way to show your dedication as a parent to a human.  You're not a dog person; you're an asshole, like most humans.  Welcome to the majority.

Yes, if you ditch your dog just because a baby enters the picture, my immediate reaction is to question your ability to parent a human well.  For the most part, I think the excuses are lame.  We've all heard the following:
  • It'll be overwhelming to have a dog AND a baby at the same time.
  • We are/I am afraid that our dog will be aggressive towards the baby.
Uncommitted candy asses.  I hate to break it to you, but you're going to need a big set to be a decent parent.  If you won't bother to apply simple preparation techniques to train the dog to welcome a baby into the home, good luck.  There's a solution for most of their concerns.  I just don't think they're dedicated enough to make them happen, so I suppose these poor dogs deserve a better pet parent anyway.  Unfortunately, some end up at the pound or in worse homes.

I sincerely hope these parents will be more committed to their human offspring(s)!  More so, I pray that dogs find the true love and loyalty they all deserve, because they give no less to humans.

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