Monday, June 17, 2013

Comfort Zone

Courage happens to be a core value at the organization I work for.  One of the topics covered in a department meeting this morning was about stepping out of one's comfort zone and having the courage to speak up, even if it's in opposition to the decision of a superior. 

The decision I made soon after this meeting is not courageous, but I am certainly stepping away from my comfort zone.  I resigned from a very stable job.  

You really do assess your priorities, when you become a parent.  And, I've been trying to make choices that are best for my family.  I realize that in the grand scheme of things, my decision does not trump the important ones that many of us have to face every day.  It barely even makes my own top 10.  But, hours later, I am still trying to convince my heart that it is the right decision. 

Although my current role is challenging, it is very comfortable.  I report to someone I adore and respect, which is rare, and work with a team that I'm quite fond of.  The problem is:  I know I can offer more.  My manager's boss is even aware of this.  However, given the amount of bureaucracy, it will take years before I can step into a role to do so.

I have accepted an offer to work for a company headquartered in another city, while remaining in the city I reside in currently.  Managing a department from another state will offer challenges all its own.  However, this opportunity also offers the flexibility of working remotely and reducing a lengthy commute for my spouse and me.

One of the reminders from my brain is that you'll never know what's on the other side, unless you take the leap.  For any of you who has ever stepped outside of your comfort zone, did you regret it, or did you learn and gain more than you imagined?

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